Class Rules:

1. Enter the room quietly.

2. Come to class prepared to do your best work.

3. Follow directions the first time given.

4. Keep hands, feet, objects to yourself.

5. Be polite at all times, showing respect and kindness.

6. No profanity or obscene gestures.


1. Positive feedback

2. Group points

3. Notes and phone calls home

4. Prizes, privileges, and field trip opportunities


1. Warning

2. Behavior tracking chart

3. Phone call

4. Detention/Suspension

Severe disruption:  Sent directly to office.

Note:  Students are expected to exhibit positive behavior in prep classes, the hallway, lunchroom, and assemblies, as well.  These are the same for both classrooms. There are no excuses.


Here at Dailey Elementary we are SWIMming to success!

S- Safe Behavior
W- Well Prepared
I - Incredibly Respectful
M-Make Responsible Choices

Ask your child did they SWIM today!

Being Prepared

You are expected to have all of the following by 8:00 am - which is when you enter the classroom.
1. All books and materials needed for both my class and Miss Franklin's. This includes notebooks and homework.
2. A chapter book.
3. Sharpened Pencil(s), Colored pencils/crayons/markers
4. A closed pencil sharpner.  The classroom sharpner is unplugged at 8:15. 
5. An open and clear mind.

Having these things, will help you earn your points for the day.